
Biden-Trump Debate: No Mention of Bitcoin? | Britcoiners by CoinCorner #133

Join Danny, Molly, Zakk and Dave for industry-led opinions on important Bitcoin stories from the week. This week's topics: Intro Bitcoin Price Bitstamp drops Tether’s euro stablecoin amid new MiCA rules US and German governments sending crypto to exchanges Biden-Trump debate has no mention of crypto Michael Dell Bitcoin poll Bolivia’s central bank lifts ban on Bitcoin payments Runes TXs on Bitcoin drop over 88% in June Sony to launch exchange in Japan YouTuber “Casually Explained” does a video on Bitcoin Dear Dave Britcoiners is a Bitcoin podcast by CoinCorner (https://www.coincorner.com) - a global leader in Bitcoin and Lightning services. Join our Telegram: https://t.me/britcoiners  Follow Britcoiners on X: https://x.com/britcoiners  Follow CoinCorner on X: https://x.com/coincorner #coincorner #britcoiners #bitcoin #bitcoinpodcast #bitcoinnews

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so his options were AI Bitcoin love and relationships or none of the above screw love and relationship [Music] Bitcoin hey welcome back we're back we're back no Dave this week so sorry for all the Dave fans it'll be a fast one it'll be a turbo pod today uh yep britcoin is episode 133 uh agenda today we topics include bit stamp uh US Government Biden and Trump debate Michael I we'll come back to that um Michael Dell Bolivia Central Bank uh Sony and YouTuber do we miss the runes on there as well oh and the runes yeah runes news I feel like this week's a lot of sweeping a lot of sweeping there's a lot of sweeping sweepy best put your hard hats on guys it yet right uh bitcoin price is sitting at 60 60k weird week very weird week not much going on bit up bit down but we went up to 63 and a half nearly 64 yeah and then it keeps having these little little bursts and then just coming back down again we're almost what we were a week ago yeah I feel like it's just mostly speculation isn't it I think that comes on some of the topics actually but we we'll wait for that teas that was I don't know if I come from marks it or not not sure um okay yeah n price action so let's kick off with the agenda uh first on the topic is first on the agenda sorry is bit stamp so they've dropped tether's Euros stable coin and been new m rules sweeping sweeping here he come sweeper Scot uh I don't know why bit St I don't Hest I've not read this but it was just to flag the um the stable coins in m and Europe because people are maybe not sure maybe I might have this wrong as well but from my understanding of what this is um and from what has happened bit stamp dropping it I don't know why they've dropped it that makes no sense at the minute this doesn't kick in till I think it's the end of the year before this really kicks in I can't quite remember the exact date um the the reason people are saying I dropping it and usdc you will have seen make the announcement saying they've got the Emi license in Europe you need an Emi license in Europe to create a stable coin and issue a stable coin um which is what usdc do and that's what theoretically tether tether would do so exchanges for example like bitstamp don't need a license they can only use a stable coin that is licensed under an Emi license in Europe so usdc have that so they can have that tether they're saying they're dropping tether because tether don't have an Emi license in Europe however until the deadline of when that is towards the end of this year um if tther get one in the meantime then this is all an irrelevance and there's nothing really to bother with so they're going a bit early so I think they're all yeah they're all jumping ship a little bit early and I'm not sure why um but I assume what what the volumes for like the Euro oh any stable coin so even US dollar stable coin anything so so they wouldn't be able to use Europe wouldn't be able to use tether USD um it's not Europe um so that they will tether will need to get a Emi continue for exchanges to continue operating in Europe they might look at in and think we don't care about Europe because most people using tether in South Americas and africas and um places that are not necessarily Europe um so they might not bother they might not care I don't know but they are I say based um in Switzerland aren't they they have quite a presence in Switzerland don't they um so maybe maybe they have something in the background cooking up and they'll sort that out and then it this whole like issue at the minute that everyone's sort of panicking about is not really an issue just a non-issue yeah not thisa so we'll wait and see so it's bit stamp the only one to have dropped I think there did they give an actual statement like what did the statement say the reason why I haven't read this either so still can't read my eyes are terrible said before you need to get an ey test it does not meet M requirements no engaging in marketing of them um interesting I don't know why they' they've gone ahead and done it I think there's a couple um that have I think there's an Asian one that has I can't remember there's a couple that have I think um te saying there they don't intend to be regulated of De okay so maybe they'll just say no yeah that's what I'm saying about they might just think not big Market what was that it was like 3.4 million daily volume no sorry you're looking at Euro tether I'm talking about US dollar te I'm saying I'm saying why they they don't care about getting regulated because it's they fix on their USD I think because the US dollar the tether is being used in South Americas the africas in places where the currencies are not stable and they want to go into like the Middle East and things where Europe has the Euro which is a fairly stable currency in comparison to these other ones so you can't imagine as's much demand from Europeans trying to get usdt US dollar together um so they probably don't really care to to maintain that usdc have gone in for it um and obviously do their dollar stable coin in Europe but is there any demand I I have no idea maybe there's not I don't know um so yeah we'll wait and see I guess okay um next topic is the US government sending 3,940 Bitcoins to coinbase so is this what you were referring to before about price related stuff or not probably not no I don't think so um yeah this was just a trend of we're seeing some of these our government sending Bitcoin selling Bitcoin at moment isn't it German government yeah the Germany's and the US government are um at the minute been selling Bitcoin you know we don't know why no one's really going to know why they've just been sating it from ciz Bitcoin and they're just slowly offloading it um and I think that will obviously have an impact on the price um but I think more so people are it's funny because the way it would work in the background and I'm assuming as well but logic and and sense tells me that um the government the US government or the German government would do the OTC trade and then send in the Bitcoin later rather than send it in and then the TR there usually no need to prund for large for things like that they they probably don't need it um so the price movement comes as the Bitcoin moves and everyone says oh they've sold but actually it's more the price speculators around it that are making the price the Panic selling almost TR on the back of the news yeah the Panic selling cuz you also don't know that have they sent it into that one angle is what I'm saying there they could have sent it in they could have done the trade then sent the Bitcoin in um to uh what you call it to settle the the payment um settle the transaction the other way around is they actually could just be sending in they could be S holding it at coinbase they could be S holding it at Kraken they like who says they've sold it so when we see on train data of things moving around people always say oh yeah they've sold this or someone's you see it coming out of binance Sometimes some there's like a hundred million doar of Bitcoin coming out of binance someone just bought $100 million since when like we just know they've moved it out of binance they could have been sat there for four years for all we know um it's like an indication but without an official statement it's yeah there's no real correlation between them of of whether they actually have bought or whether it's just been something that's been sat there it could be binance's own funds that they're just moving into a different moment yeah it's not just Bitcoin either US government moved 3,300 eth as well so they're obviously just cleaning up a bit and whether they're selling or not they're obviously just kinding of look busy it all clearly makes headlines and but then that makes clickbait and that makes them panic and it's like pressure just not yeah it's just not needed I think a lot of the time just feels like headlines for headlines sake doesn't it and then yeah yeah yeah there's not a lot to say on it really it's just annoyance that you every cycle is always something like this that people speculate on cool um the B Biden Trump debate uh also crypto goes completely unmentioned in it which was interesting anyone watch it I only watched the Highlight SE highlights the obvious highlights in the highlights now which is basically the whole thing I think yeah um yeah I've only I flag this quickly just because they didn't mention so Trump has been heavy on the Bitcoin crypto stuff um and he's been saying Bitcoin as well not just crypto he's saying Bitcoin and crypto um which is great but there was no mention of it during this um I feel like this was more just them attacking each other wasn't it it wasn't I'm not surprised though I think to the on to mainstream people on TV the mention of crypto Bitcoin could put people we're definitely in a bit of an ech with it aren't we the golf swing yeah I mean everybody much more important it's a critical part of the campaign I think it just backs up what we've been talking about the they just Pander to you know different Industries and pretend like they care or maybe they do care if they're going to get the votes but then it's not really part of their main main campaign no like a very small I OB want to make all people in crypto think that they he thinks their issue is the the biggest one on the agenda but it's it's never going to be as it another minute it's politics that's what they do what are your thoughts on like then Bitcoin conferences allowing potentially allowing these political these people in politics to like give talks and stuff when you're kind of giving into what they want to Pander I don't I don't know why I feel about it um it does get giving them platform they want just to Panda for votes it works both way I think they get bit light on the on the conference on the scene yeah which just never seems genuine to me like just it's definitely not genuine it's just it's just scoring points it I think it's part of the r it's what yeah it's what they do all the time the everyone has to do that when they're campaigning to be president and that's what they do imine if he doesn't pardon R like the backlash you would get I don't think he will you don't think he will from the Bitcoin Community I just don't no I don't think you'll pardon him he's come out pretty hard on it and I don't know how he just talks way out of it I could be wrong obviously it's just a guess I think he will if he gets in Che him but the minute with the rumors of Michelle Obama coming apparently she's come out and said she's not yeah I know she said she's not what is that I don't think she will she's going to replace Biden Biden's going to step down and they're going to bring cuz she's like the Biden Administration is like the Obama Administration right so Michelle and Obama are very close to um Biden um in the administration so there's rumors at the minute he's stepping down very soon he's gone to she wasn't ever like a politician was she there like yeah she's a known figure and I think in some plac is quite very well liked she did a lot while Obama was President as first lady she was obviously all over the place doing charitable duties um I think there's some polls that have come out today or yesterday that saying she is more favorable than Trump as well so could completely change the race it just goes to show that it was always the Obama Administration when it was Biden it's yeah um yes got Obama to in though it's not it's clearly not Biden um but B they put out like was it like 120 tweets during the debate like a tweet a minute the entire time what going on I wonder if he knows what Twitter is what you saying on it he also he blamed on jet lag so his performance in the debate really yeah that um Cross Country flight flight I don't even know if he was on a flight he just thought he was uh okay anyway they're made for uh for comedic viewing right oh go it is does it say where he came from fell asleep on stage I can imagine that it says last return from travel nearly two weeks ahead of the debate I mean it must be oh it's bad isn't it it's really bad yeah 81 God that old as him David Am 98 and he was the the other day Legend yeah it was the same age as the Queen Amber wasn't he well British icon anyway is not uh yeah us politics Contin does surprise me they didn't make it onto the debate I don't know no um yeah know I think they they're obious just doing that did any serious things make on the debate or was it just purely they went on to attack each other what I've seen it's just name calling I think Biden call him f who's best at golf yeah yeah I think we've seen similar with the UK debates right they don't actually resolve any issues they just shout each other until yeah it's just it's just trying to make trying to make yourself look good it's just sniping at the other person and trying to make them look as bad as possible yeah I'm surprised no one tries the opposite of that and tries to go I tell you what they can attack me all they want but I'm going to be the bigger person and I'm just going to be nice I'm think you score points but yeah and show that you're not here to attack the other person you're here for the country and just keep spinning everything like why has nobody ever done that must be a reason why they aren't I it must be they're all idiots that's the way I do it I just I don't care about that guy there I'm going to May that's a common sense approach and there there's less people with common sense now than there are maybe they think that's the way they need to do it CU it's the way it's always been done yeah MH oh well anyway politics um I'm something a bit more positive Michael Dell he is back in the news this week making a poll for the most important thing on Twitter which uh this poll it was it is hilarious so his options were AI Bitcoin love and relationships or none of the above screw love and relation the worst part who picks none of the above I some very sad it's a lot of people thousands of people but it's none of the above yeah so uh Bitcoin beat love and relationship you guys vote Bitcoin I of course yeah I didn't even I just didn't read anything I just saw the Bitcoin so I just like Al Bitcoin on anything and then afterwards I actually read what they said it was like okay that annoys me on Twitter poll sometimes you can't go back and change what you voted for sometimes I just click anything to see the results yeah and have then have regrets he's he is hinting at by isn't he what did he put out the other day it was like a do is great do is better than say or something like that yeah do is greater yeah do is greater than say there's rumors as well isn't there cuz he's got um a certain amount of he's what was it his stock he's put a stock up for sale is that oh there it is yeah yeah he's put he about over $2 billion worth of um shares up for he's selling on in Dell um now what is's so I think that we had to look at the the I only very quickly had a 30 second not even that look on the balance sheet of Dell and they don't really have the cash to buy Bitcoin I don't think they don't really have much in terms of cash reserves well they don't have any it look like they're in debt um I don't get me wrong you could they could go and get loans s to Str they've got 80 billion or whatever it was under in some sort of asset um but he Dell itself is a valuable company he owns a big part of it he is worth 1020 billion something like that he's one of the richest guys in the world maybe top 10 richest guys in the world um and if he's selling $2 billion worth of Dell shares what's he doing with that um and obviously this is all hinting around everything he's doing has been Bitcoin for the last week of tuna yeah um do you have do you ever wonder that that we're just looking too far into it you just one tweet about Bitcoin and we're like everything everything several load of I do have an issue about that tweet the do over say cuz that's literally saying over dooing yeah no I'm going to do a tweet in the in the background is he buying yeah so maybe he is in backing he's just not telling everyone yet yeah so he's doing it and not telling them so it's that is that what he's saying there that's the way I've read it um so I think everything is pointing at the minute to he's getting some exposure to bitcoin whether that's personally or whether that's I don't know if it'll be Vel viel will know in August is it August 28th something like that is the thing comes outly report could be both it would be some serious trolling if he wasn't um buying at the moment if he doesn't if he buys himself and then he doesn't have to tell anyone so I don't know what that position would be I don't know how he'll deal with that yeah I mean to me it seems like yeah they've already bought he's already bought what they've already bought and now he's on the bandwagon of pimping it out yeah would be better for Bitcoin like a Dell purchase or a Michael Dell purchase D having on the balance sheet or like someone such as Michael D like being becoming like a new Sailor esque figure well him as a new Sailor figure it'd be I mean he's worth 10 times what sailor is worth I think or even more D on the balance sheet but there's no chance of it go in the way of like it only be that's like all micro strategy do now where the sounds of it I think Dell's too big for that got too many public for like 30 years or something 1988 something crazy yeah they like 30 7 year old companies 37 38 year old I think it was 84 I think we or 87 one of them so the old company been been around a long time and still one of the top sort of computer makers as we see did you see I don't know if this is true or not I should have probably Googled it it's Steve balmer's net worth overtake Bill Gates the other day I think it has done a few times think yeah I think they've seen things about that in the past sorry that's just a random one I didn't realize yeah he own he still owns 4% of Microsoft Bill Gates owns like one yeah cuz Bill Gates has stepped back and he's continued so he's been continuing to get um increases as well I didn't realize yeah cuz I read like a tweet thread of the original deal he had at Microsoft I knew nothing about it but they had like 10% profit share which then they realized that's not sustainable at all with how fast they were growing so they gave him some shares instead he 13 hours ago he's now richer yeah there's a couple of films about him with of that which is they Crossover with um the crossover in the apple w the as well I think oh okay hav't seen it too Fair sorry that was random but that's Steve B was hilarious Gat and the blackbury one as well that's really good actually the blackb haven't watched that oh that's got Clen how in has it I think from always sunny yeah yeah just called blackbery yeah no that's on my list to watch that one are they dead now blackbery are they still they PIV it to Android 10 years ago and now they changed product completely yeah think they're still still a company yeah researching motions company Rim okay cyber security but yeah they do interesting um story for sure um it's an awful alrm we were laughing the other day at um this is a random tangent but when they launched the Windows phone and they as part as their marketing they held a a funeral for the iPhone like a this does not age a picture they hide a hearse and they just h a funeral for the iPhone do Windows phone phone still exist no I don't think so no like yeah it's pretty funny should we get back on T okay uh yeah so we'll see how that plays out with uh dell or Michael Dell see what that comes out next topic is B Central Bank they've lift their ban on crypto payments anyone read details into this I briefly did but not basically they're now allowing their Banks to um use cryptocurrencies in their transactions I think historically they've been very anti- Bitcoin I think they banned it as early as 2014 Bolivia um but I think you know during when you're economy struggling um reversing bands like this is an attempt to booster the economy and they mentioned about like um joining the rest of latama on being pro Bitcoin I think they've seen their neighbors okay Brazil and you know El Salvador kind of yeah it's got to be hard to see all countries around you like yeah kind of adopt it and doing well yeah um so they've done a full 180 um nice which is interesting yeah that's it really it looks like the most most of latam now is is pro Bitcoin I think there's only like I saw a chart where it categorized all the countries I think now there's only two oh there you go yeah obviously Bolivia is now moving out of the right column oh nice so he's gotor they like famous for being two of the more corrupt countries in Latin America and economies are tanked aren't they and why are Argentina in there as well in the cor I suppose it's CU ja millier is still bit of a wild card yeah 5050 like there was rumors he was going to be full on Pro cryptocurrency and then it was try and bring the Argentinian peso back and did he not say that they going to let like a free market of currencies happen and just see which one which one wins out they just going to say anyone can accept whatever currency okay cool interesting yeah that is interesting nice cool uh next topic just a just a quick one to cover I thought it's kind of funny but uh run transactions on bitcoin have tanked over 88% in June we obviously previously talked about runes um and I think when we last spoke about it it was kind of kind of a big thing but I think we predicted that it was just going to I've literally I haven't seen anything on them in weeks not since we last discussed ruins on the podcast I've not seen or heard anything about them until this that was it that was the end of conversation at that point yeah so yeah not surprising to anyone I don't think yeah we called it it's a fad just new nft style fad yeah I'm pretty sure crazy to look back in let's say 10 years or something and like this one month of block space look at all these things that we describe it's like a historical time period right part of History isn't it I guess yeah it's pretty funny interesting part of History yeah yeah that was it just to laugh at runes basically don't laugh at anyone come on not laughing at any was just there just no Demand right just highlighting it was a fad there was an effort yeah they've inscribed is not here we can laugh about it there was an effort it wasn't a good one yeah M Dave will be gut we might to get us some runes now though runes price trading that's Dave in the end um okay next topic Sony I've got plans to launch cryptocurrency Exchange in Japan I miss the biggest sweep this is a sweeping exercise you know better than that anyways that don't you I read the actual um their announcement that was in Japanese I read that this morning it's hilarious Japanese is this the announcement from last August no so it was an announcement recently about last August this thing yeah yeah translate so basically they just announced one of the subsidiary companies changing name but then in the same announcement it announced like they purchased whale fin was it whale fin but last August in 20123 oh so we knew about this a while ago we already knew we did already know about this I think and again it's not Sony no launching an exchange or doing anything it's Sony's like investment arm in some capacity or another company within the group of Sony that invests and buys companies and they've bought this one from last August that was a dying company because of FTX cuz it exploded during the FTX stuff and there was a load of issues so they kind of picked it up as I don't know how what the price was but doesn't say yeah no they picked that up I assume for Fairly cheap and they just changed the name of it yeah addoun they renaming but also in the announcement they said they're going to redo the UI okay redesigning the U why they put so they're just trying to recoup it all exchange that kind of went pop because of FTX issues it's really non news the difference between this actual like press release whatever Sony group affiliate and then to this headline Sony to launch cryptocurrency exchange it's been running one for last already running 10 months they already bought it last year mon yeah they basically just they redoing the UI and a new name yeah and a new name yeah so it's get non- news that is just people taking it this is a positive non- news I guess in some respects but still it's still fake news in that s yeah on the negative or positive side we should try and clean that up and make it more accurate but media is never going to do that media is going to do what they do right uh okay last topic on the agenda for today is yeah YouTube casually explained right anyone watched this no I've seen a few of his video I've not seen this video but this is the only video I've seen from this guy right right how did you find how did you come across it I shared it in the main chat dny shared it I watched it this morning nobody pay attention no I do you share a lot in the main I've never watched a video but it's hilarious just play a bit w't put volume on yet just oh God it's not really an education piece I don't think someone do it in have not watched this D I think you'd be puing so you shed it and you watch it it's like riddle with inside industry jokes but it's also trying to teach you what Bitcoin is but then also making a just jokes on jokes it is quite funny as someone in the industry watching it um would the I suppose May Lear something but Their audience cuz they're they've got 4 million subscribers of so maybe Their audience would understand the nature of how he explains topics and does things yeah um but he's literally he must be a Bitcoin or like he's definitely in the industry cuz he just he says that yeah so apparently got scammed he invest in crypto yeah so he kind of weighs both sides up pretty well he's like a lot of it's like um Bitcoin Skeptics will tell you this and it's like a picture of Warren Buffett and quotes from him but then Bitcoin Pros will tell you this it's like Michael sailor quotes but then taking the piss out of Michael sailor cuz some of his ideas it's basically it's it's a hilarious video that's like I don't know someone outside of if they watched it I don't know what would they think about think about it that sound on for 10 minutes long as well was it's short but it's still quite long and it's nearly got a million views so you know yeah that's it's got 4 million subscribers so you assume yeah a lot of people going see it it was got 800,000 but yeah it's pretty funny I left 500 million while I didn't have any Bitcoin maximalists say that Bitcoin has gone up so much because one day it'll become the new Global Reserve currency replacing all Fe it on Earth and be worth tens of millions of coin but then there's a whole other group of Bitcoin Skeptics that say it's a scam and all going to zero first of all it's not possible for Bitcoin to go to zero because a guy on Reddit said he'd buy all 21 million for 1 cent each there's also no way it could go to tens of millions of coin because that would put its a valuation at about $400 trillion this doesn't make any sense because the Bitcoin network doesn't even sell AI graphics card I was about to correct in them then when he said that so it's kind of funny it's a funny video and he does a good job of weighing up both sides but as a like a noob of the industry I don't know how they would they might learn something I suppose would you know when he's taking the person when he's being serious as well it videos like this do more damage than good if people come across these videos like if they don't get his sense of humor do they well the other ones you've watched Mikey what were they the lot ones I've seen they more like based on historic events that have happened so it would be like the Japanese the Japanese war some it's it is fact but he will make jokes about it like he'll say like oh then this person went and did all these crazy things and it's there is a comedy aspect to it but yeah I think you're right if you come here for as a I want a Bitcoin explain video I think you're going to get it one it's funny though um but there will be some like I think he does his his fact checking and stuff it will be accurate stuff but then he'll put funny spin on it yeah yeah he talks about like comparing it to digital gold and then Gold's market cap if they shared it with Bitcoin it' be 8 trillion each and all that kind of stuff um definitely has some takeaways for people that don't know anything maybe was it worth would a newbie watch 10 minutes worth of this maybe the I think the side helps like keep people engaged yeah yeah I mean some Bitcoin content can be quite heavy yeah it's clearly going to get a lot of views so you just go to his channel he does a video whenever he wants as well it's hilarious new video every time and anytime he wants so this is the first one uploaded for 3 months I think two points yeah I'm just looking at his views for his other ones like 1 half to 2 million sort of regions aren't they one half to two and a half million maybe oh there's a couple of three four Millions he gets quite a lot of views then doesn't he he doesn't do many videos then does he no but yeah these are sort of ones I've seen Fe the world okay M some of them 10 million views it's quite a few yeah I assume for me for them to have popped up on my YouTube I think that he's must have some quite probably 21 mil there 13 that's all the Bitcoin is with our girlfriends they watch the bitco and then get directly to that's recommended afterwards YouTube algorith doing the Lords work it's interesting it's clearly going to get loads of views and it'll clearly show high in the algorithm on someone YouTube's Bitcoin yeah yeah no I'm actually going to watch that after this yeah let me know what you think I don't necessarily think it's a bad video I thought it was quite funny interesting a lot of people in the comments don't to be bitcoiners they're just like his fans being like you good see back sort of things so normally on a Bitcoin explanation video the top 20 comments or join my telegram chat and do all this so might be a different audience seeing it okay interesting we l i need Bitcoin not crypto so that's always good good yeah yeah was good okay that's the end of the topics uh we have a de Dave uh yeah I mean do you want to talk about that or not uh no no the s just one um okay so D Day from our good friend West and Jim uh he said the etching on the Bitcoin bottle are great so in case anyone missed it we did a Bitcoin bottle give away the other day which had the roller coaster guy laser etched on the back cuz in case you didn't know we've got a laser etching machine now um tell people that jez magic magic magic magic um could you offer this service with the mount socks and bolt card designs as options just a thought no yeah it depends on the product doesn't it um a socks I think we'd struggle because it's a certain type of material we've we tried and tested a lot of things recently and some things can be lasered and some can't socks I don't think would work bul cards I don't know we've not tried that uh B cars would technically work but it would be it wouldn't be good it' just be an outline of something so it wouldn't be it would be disappointing be like competing with the design with maybe do something on the back of it like a a name if you want yeah but yeah nothing more than maybe a message like a written message yeah um it works well on the bottles cuz obviously they they're quite a plain design but also the material um it just works great yeah and it's going to work well on something that something that we might announce next week we should be announcing next week we were going to announce today but be live yesterday was too much too much going on yeah blame Tech I'll take the blame the delay only makes it better keeps the suspense going um yeah so stay tuned for that next week but uh yeah we I think we'll do more of these uh laser R bottles giveaways because they seem very popular it's a cool design let us know let us know what you want on on the bottles we're not selling them with because it's the point is we're not we're giving them away almost with them the special laser etching on not um selling them cuz I think he'll just get too much if we're trying to sell them and personalize more yeah logistically that's a bit of a nightmare as well um but yeah cool glad people like them makes them more scarce as well yep all about that scarcity all about that scarcity okay that's it turbo pod today when the price is tanking um yeah and we're going to go enjoy enjoy birthday celebrations now aren't we cuz it's our 10 year birthday we got some Loki Loki lunchtime activities going on very nice yeah nobody knows what they are so keep que Corner 10 years yes yesterday technically but not many people were in yesterday so we've we're doing celebrations today instead 10 years since we launched yesterday how does it feel Danny long TIR we should do a photo we should get that photo of from the original website of you then and then doing one of you now every decade getting new photo I don't think I've changed that much on it I mean I mean that all phot is in black and white so you can't see the no it's a longer um longer hair but other than that not change we let people be the judge people no flash up to let's not bring that picture we're about to see 59 yeah so that's it a decade of coin Corner yeah here's to the next 10 years cool very nice thank you guys just watch that price to see if it ask oh on that news okay cool right back next week then cheers guys thank you guys cheers byebye peace [Music]