
Biden Admin to Attend Bitcoin Roundtable! | Britcoiners by CoinCorner #131

Join Danny, Molly, Zakk and Dave for industry-led opinions on important Bitcoin stories from the week. Topics this week include: Bitcoin price, Fed doesn't cut rates, UK inflation back to 2% target, Bitkey now allowing up to three fingerprints, MicroStrategy raising $700M to buy Bitcoin, University of Cambridge Mining Data Leads to ~25% Emission Overestimation, Biden admin to attend Bitcoin roundtable, and a DoS vulnerability affecting LND. Lightning CO2 Comparisons: https://blog.coincorner.com/comparing-bitcoin-lightning-energy-usage-to-the-real-world-2d64c62b1783 Have your say in the conversation by joining our Telegram group - https://t.me/britcoiners Britcoiners is a Bitcoin podcast by CoinCorner (https://www.coincorner.com) - a global leader in Bitcoin and Lightning services. #coincorner #britcoiners #bitcoin #bitcoinpodcast #bitcoinnews

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Fu I'd like seeing that oh it's just a circus isn't it it's pretty [Music] mad let's go yeah no one else we should have the outakes on this but this is the uh attempt four let's go uh brick cor is episode 131 welcome back guys no Dave today but Mike you sitting in hello hello again yeah I know um where is Dave we don't care we're busy for that qu uh the agenda this agenda this week uh fed is holding Benchmark rates uh bit key security stuff uh Cambridge on Bitcoin mining um Biden admin and attending a Bitcoin Round Table UK inflation oh just threw my pen on the floor and lightning and vulnerability L andd first things first bitcoin price what's happening short one this week isn't it I don't know it depends if you waffle on uh current price 65k bit down at the moment aren't we down a week here we were up to we did hit 70k again a week ago didn't we High 69 69 960 and then we just come down I haven't seen really anything anything in the news or anything that would cause us a very messy graph though is it's very chaotic spread it out over like one year that's better that's better um yeah it's just side it's it's sidewards really isn't it since we've gone back up to the 69k previous alltime High which just pretty much a sideways Trend at the minute uh which we expect every cycle you see that so I guess to be expected can't pinpoint anything in particular that's kind of brought it down it's kind of dropped a little bit last couple of days isn't it you can't say that I can't say that it'll do it does it may or may not bounce back the price will do what the price does exactly yeah nothing exciting going on with the price though okay first topic on the agenda uh the FED is hold it holding Benchmark rate in the 5.25 to 5.5% target range uh F what's that fomc you best not reading all that cuz if I'll just I'll I wasn't sure what the fomc was no I never what's that uh so you can Google it fed HS so basically the fed us uh fed hold in the rates at 5.25 um they didn't cut the rates basically um but there there's predictions now to say that the rates are going to be cut did it say September now can't when it said um 25 bips caught within this year some point um as opposed to the worst the 75 but so .25% or 0.75% so what does that mean for people like me who nothing you live in the AL man okay no but for people like me that can't make sense of what that says it's the the f is the US's Bank of England yes they set the rates so the bank of England rate which will probably come on to at some point anyway M um but then if you it's a base rate so if you put money in your bank account and you get interest for example then that would be a base rate interest that You' theoretically get you would never do you'll get less than that but if you're paying a mortgage um you will then be paying an interest rate again on your mortgage every year so that would be your base rate interest rate and your mortgage rate will increase or decrease effectively alongside what their rate their base rate is and obviously they try and manipulate that number in order to like force people to spend or force people to save to try and control the economy um in certain ways depending on inflation yeah cool so they're trying to bring inflation down which is why rates have gone up now inflation's on its way back down you expect rates to start cut but they haven't CAU them yet so they're not comfortable that inflation is down as low as it could be before they start cutting or on the trend down until they start cutting cuz they printed all that money that's a lot of money however UK going to come on to that one has cut UK inflation is back to 2% Target no they cut the rates I was saying sorry but that is that as well they did cut the rates in the last week is that last week I think we covered it on last not ECB and Canada got rates did UK do it as well I can't actually remember I know richy fixed inflation but I thought were getting caught with richy fixing the economy no I'm sure I sent it through last night oh no it was infl it was inflation was it oh I can't remember now I've lost track now I think it was the inflation you sent through CU inflation was this morning yeah inflation was this morning maybe interest maybe the the UK haven't but yeah ECB did and a couple of other countries have now started to cut rates um we definitely covered was it Canada yeah it was it was Christine Le their criminal lady friend oh from the ECB and then they were Canada had gone the day before then I think but then we attributed that to just richy being the economical WIS that is so yeah now we're back her where keeps to our didn't even have an umbrella so have Sky did you see that video come from it yeah um but yeah UK inflation's down 2% talking on inflation um which is their target so they're happy that it's down Rich's superhero um but the way the headlines speak and the way the politicians speak is like oh right back to normal now but it is a rate of inflation right so since it all started kicking off you still had that massive inflation yeah you're never going to counteract that go the opposite direction but they try and play as like oh we're back to how we were it's it's fixed but actually it's which is great if it stays there now for the next 10 years your inflation's only got 2% per year but then compounding that is a big impact which people don't realize even at a 2% rate you things still get more expensive along the way that's the bit that people I guess don't realize and don't see do you think he saw it coming then that's why he did the snap election but these well this makes me question are these actually I mean these numbers ever real change the CPI all the time manipulated to are these sure what they want are these numbers real um or have they just done this for the election to show that yeah R has saved the day so yeah don't know um I won't speculate as I speculate uh but yeah I wouldn't trust them numbers uh what's and well maybe it's we'll pass on for day for next week what's actually in the CPI bundle for UK these days I don't really know what they've got in there yeah cuz I usually like looking at obviously 2% is the headline figure but they you can see the figures for everything else right so you can look at like groceries and that clothing and things so they're saying oh we're back at 2% but people are hit by the grocery inflation of like 11% it's like yeah everyone's paying 11% more for food it's like groceries was like 22% wasn't it something when when it was when we were like 12% inflation as an Aver they do weird tricks like they'll Place steak for beef and it's see that was the Americans I did that one I think wasn't the US I don't know what the UK that's why I'd like to the UK bundle see what's in there um is it like Fredo and stuff there needs to be a website that is just tracking the changes in in that basket that would be useful and see how we're being manipulated and and how the media is being manipulated but the media is then manipulating the the crowd unknowingly this is a very suspect podcast isn't it we just don't don't trust verify don't trust uh cool okay um Vicky is allowing up to three fingerprints now no we're doing that one aren't we yeah sorry mly want the b key sorry M yeah yeah this was interesting I think I tagged this um just cuz Bicky what they launched a couple of months ago four months ago maybe um and now they've had we we talked about at the time the um kind of the security trade off we've just a fingerprint without the screen now they're allowing several fingerprints to be attached to the your app essentially um and I thought I'd just raise it again to kind of Rego over um what it is and kind of like cuz it lacks a screen you can't do you can't check the address yourself and you're very much you can you can check the address on your phone on your app sorry yeah but it's if that the app if your app's been compromised um so there's certain security tradeoffs that bit key does haven't really seen anyone you know review them or play around with them uh I don't know how much they've sold or I haven't seen a marketing push either I don't know if you guys have it's quite a funky looking P did I see one on your desk the other day you may have done play around with so we're always playing around with all of them really so what's your feedback ux wise is very good which I think is one of their big priorities when building it you maybe saw what Ledger and treasure have done and the ux of those are a bit you know [ __ ] for mainstream retail people I think this is fairly easy to use and fairly easy to set up but that does come with a security kind of um tradeoff tradeoffs yeah yeah yeah easy ux probably the easiest Hardware wallet ux um play around test uh you could do we're just waiting for more to arrive the minut the on don't worry Dave was the test oh yeah oh God yeah Dave someone used to hire him as just like test T so I said lowest level we were about to start I'd already done set mine up and done that and then he was said like what we should do is let Dave open it from boxed unboxed film the whole process and you could use that for content for weeks it was hilarious he couldn't get the internet working he didn't have Wi-Fi on his phone it was like this is rid he couldn't do the basics before he even got to unboxing the actual thing it was chaos it took a while has he done it now uh yeah yeah we got there eventually could you do it again doesn't need to it's still but you said content and now I'm thinking great um but it was interesting to play around with it's one of them where you wouldn't store for understanding of what we're talking about there with tradeoffs and things like that it's NFC so it's contactless as well to tap on your phone to sign the transaction and make the transaction um so you probably wouldn't for what it is store millions of pounds on it or anything like that but maybe you know a couple of thousand fine yeah which to their credit I think they know that right all the marketing I've seen is like people on trains carrying it like carrying it while you're out and about kind of like a warm wallet yeah um yeah bit more secure than just a mobile mobile app yeah they're at coffee shop paying for coffee aren't they at one point it's like yeah um and it is easy to use to be fair it's it's good in that sense and I think there's there's some good little features um it's simple it's basic there's nothing complex in terms of like features and over the top features and things it is pretty good it feels nice sturdy it's weight to it like a product with a good weight it's good solid um in terms of selling uh you have to have the app don't you to to use it and the apps only had was it 5,000 or 500 downloads Plus on Play Store I think so you can kind of gauge how many maybe have been sold there MH um but it's a hard market right they're going up against 1K Ledger I would say is the biggest competition who you know obviously have all the [ __ ] coins and so the mag hasard a guess I would say maybe towards 5,000 they've sold um which is I don't know if that's good or bad in terms of a hardware wallet perspective I know Ledger have sort of they'd at one point sold was it a million total was it a year or was it a million in a year can't remember but that that was like their volume size and but that a it all crypto as well not just Bitcoin this is just Bitcoin um yeah you can't get to the website he's blocked by some um antiviruses antivirus yeah cool um so yeah so we like it I think it's it's a good addition to the market I think the big downside to it is is 150 it was like 150 quid um if you're paying 150 quid for something and you're only going to store like 1,000 on it or something like that you're paying a big percentage for something that you're storing so if you got £10,000 maybe but then as you go past £10,000 depending on your own circumstances and everything would you store more than £10,000 on a device like this and I don't know maybe some people would M and when I saying sorry the bit some of the bits missed off as well the backup of of it has to be stored in the cloud and it gets basically stored your backup gets encrypted by theoretical I guess your fingerprint and then stored in the cloud so if it's stored in Cloud I know it's encrypted with a your fingerprint in theory um but Biometrics will be hacked as well over time and will right they've made it super easy if you lose it to get another one and get get it back but then that is as a tradeoff trade off so as much as it's easy that yeah you don't it's not cold cold the way I would like it in terms of like air gap and everything it's air gap in the sense of it's NFC and things but you you're taking a back up and po it to the cloud and everything which is just um not necessarily cold in a lot of people's eyes M um so yeah I wouldn't be storing for the cost of it I don't know if it' be maybe the 10K Max you'd have on there and 150 quid can you would you Fork out 150 quid to keep it there or would you this is the the trade-off side of it with a lot of customers just hold it and exchange and Trust The Exchange more than trust themselves for a cost that's going to cost them 150 quid that's free at an exchange so um yeah all different preferences interesting um but there's a lot of options now out there in the market so it's good to have competition isn't it it's definitely the coolest looking one I've seen it does look yeah good bit it is yeah looks a bit like UFO it's Unique right I've never seen a device that small that design that shape that weight if you saw it without any context you'd have no idea what it was would you no yeah so you wouldn't think I need to Nick this just flash my head it's kind of reminds me a little bit of um that orb that went viral last year with the the the orb that yeah for all the wrong reasons that's say it's given those vibes a little bit but you know it's obviously much cooler cool on to the next topic on the agenda uh micro strategy uh they announced they were raising 500 million in stock sale to buy more Bitcoin and then they came out and announced that we were now raising 700 million to buy more Bitcoin was like a day later was it or two days later a day day later it was yeah one day later just keep buying so hungry for that Bitcoin isn't he have they announced um if he just got to his feed have they announced yesterday cuz it should have closed yesterday was it sailor feed yeah or micro strategy either one I think um but they should have closed I thought yesterday in terms of the actual raise M so then they should start buying soon I assume yeah but maybe if they've not announced micro straty not confirmed they've raised yet maybe that also shows the appetite people willing to lend um to some like this no no doesn't look it so usually maybe maybe they've already raised just not announcing the raise and then they're going to start buying I don't know so you would expect if they have raised that which they don't do normally historically they just raised it straight away and then they start buying slowly over a number of days or weeks just wait and see it's another massive buy but yeah seems weird that the price is doing what the price is doing when got an announc like that you think people would at least wait to to see the action on that even when that starts the buying the it's going to force the price up for that it's he does Buy on Market as well what's uh what's their average price for Bitcoin at the moment do they usually tweet it like 34,000 was it something like that I think they're doing all right aren't they doing pretty well pretty well I'd love to actually I should look back and see what my did we do this look back on what your average price we did I've run it a few times we did run this oh you personally yeah and's see what the average Buy price my problem is to like I didn't Co didn't exist when I bought my first Bitcoin so I'd have to try and cater some of that in $ 35,1 158 yours is better than that wasn't it I think yeah oh yeah yeah front running mic strategy we we need to maybe that's something we should have on going Corner year average Buy price has someone suggested that in the past I think got feel they have now great idea would be quite cool would the average purchase price from Co corner because you could work it out if you extracted your deer and then your purchas is divided by the amount yeah you just we could we could just display it on the screen to people the average purchase price got on a spreadsheet but it be good to have that yeah that'd be very good you track yours yeah are you do you do you mind confirming or denying whether you beating sailor uh I was beating sailor up until this last before this last ball run but before all the ETF stuff I was stacking pretty hard right and um I've gone above that average now oh but I was doing all right before then nice I think I bought at every price known to man since I since I got into the industry we did that didn't we though we said about that when last ball run when it was hitting like 69k was like yeah still buy at 69 just to just to buy at that price just as like it's almost like a piece of History isn't it but yeah okay cool that' be good well maybe suggest that attack if you can please that' be good to have it's a nice easy number to throw in there um next topic Cambridge publicly acknowledges that the age of their Bitcoin mining data leads to an overestimation in emission estimates by around 25% from Daniel Bon isn't it the Daniel Bon highlighted it but it's Cambridge University this is a source that has been used all over the place for years in terms of mining data isn't it um MH do you have much to say on this one no no I just thought it was interesting to finally come and kind of done a correction there and not that accurate Daniel Bon's been doing a lot of energy usage stuff within Bitcoin mining Dave man crush and um Dave's got too many Man Crush um and Cambridge University as access there has been used for a long time for uh looking at mining energy usage around the world and comparing that to electricity usage in different ways um but yeah they've now finally come out and said that they've probably um overestimated things and up to 25% which is quite crazy so I think was there if I can remember from memory was their last one at like was it was it 58% something like that they said was like renew sustainable energy or something that Cambridge one I think whereas the mining policy is like 6 69 I think near now or something I think Daniel baton is more around that sort of figure as well where he pushes it so these guys are now saying yeah that old number they had which I think was in the 50s m is now potentially up to 25% so we're talking at least in the 75% AR we he's got you there yeah there we go that was a good guess 75% sustainable energy source yeah um yeah I think I just highlight I like to highlight it for like the amount you see of like old data sources being used currently it's like we see it in every industry right and it's um they make headlines and stuff but you and then you look try and find where the data is and you still using data from years ago sometimes decades ago which is exactly what we did when we ran our numbers years ago this is like sort of um me a trip down memory L for in some respects we did um if you can find on coin Corner's blog if no one's ever seen it which is a uh comparison isn't it Bitcoin lightning comparison sort of um versus things in the real world and how much energy how much actual CO2 emissions are generated for a Bitcoin lightning transaction versus making a Tesla car for example making an electric car let's not abuse Tesla even though it looks like a t but it was like we found out I think it was around when we were writing that report we looked at like all the headlines talking about how much energy usage email use was it and they're all referencing this one data source which was like a book from two decades ago so we found so this book is is called um it's the bananas book isn't it for what it's called now way back something bananas um and yeah the guy that did it is actually the guy that did it is Tim Tim burnley's brother oh yeah Tim bernsley the guy that created the internet interet and so he's his brother actually it was a UK guy who works at Professor one the universi in UK and he wrote that book and then that obviously has been replicated first like Z decades um of potentially incorrect information he then did an updated version was it 2012 yeah did an updated version oh no did he no he didn't didn't even more recent he did it like in 201 like 18 19 19 or something he did a more recent one and we T them recent numbers and ran it again effectively um to compare um if Mike can eventually if Mikey can't find it one there one there I just don't know why it's not showing up on our actual Blog Page medium only goes back so fars we'll put the link in the show notes um for that and now you can't read it because it um so it was an interesting one and it just it did show and this was done years was this 2020 uh 2021 um but it was really interesting to find find out all this sort of information and it's crazy things like the CO2 emissions given off making an a glass of orange juice and things like that and you could do a theoretical is it 10 transactions scroll up slightly is it uh yeah so you could do um scroll down so the same CO2 emissions there for a glass of orange juice at 90% renewable which is where we're we're starting to move to would be like 37 lightning transactions and also the lightning transactions were at very conservative estimates as well which would actually be far more improved now as well yeah that's the thing right even though this was 3 years ago is it 3 years ago um you almost need such a Cutting Edge industry you need this data every year because there's so many changes year to year um and it was what we tried to do is look at how going off into a right tangent in on this we uh what we tried to do was look at how like how many Financial transactions you would use on average as a person in a year or in a day and then trying to compare that to um how much CO2 emissions if everybody in the world used lightning how much CO2 emissions that would give off in comparison to making a glass of orange juice and actually your glass of orange juice was the equivalent of your monthly an individual's monthly transactions so it's like one glass of orange juice is the same CO2 emissions as 37 lightning transactions which is I think above the average users person average person's Financial trans digital transactions so every time you go and get a glass of orange juice out of the fridge and P off glass that's giving more Co CO2 emission than your whole months with the financial transactions if you used purely the lightning Network this was three-year old data and this is yeah we did go in detail to be fair um and it would be good to refresh us at some point yeah very good to go back and get some more updated figures compare them yeah that was something we we Twisted it was all looked at CO2 emissions rather than energy because it made it a little bit fairer in some respects which did throw some funny ones in like the breathing yeah so your day of breathing is equivalent of seven lightning transactions of the CO2 but yeah it was kind of just born out of like yeah the disdain for these all like we could see on BBC was like referencing this email data from 20 years ago was like the internet's changed completely in 20 years and it's it was just the whole bitcoin's on track to consume more energy than most countries and it should be done now I think we're at the point now was like22 should B should have consumed all the world's energy by now yeah it's it's done in them rising sea levels um okay cool next topic is uh Biden Administration to attend the Bitcoin round table with Congressional offices officials in DC yeah I think I take this one just as a indication now of we've seen Trump you know have his round table with the miners now we've got Biden's admin to kind of do something the same within the industry and not Biden himself love B's abely B but they're very much playing that political game now aren't they starting to have these round taes and try and favor votes within the industry I think it's got to the point where I said starting to annoy me a little bit like so this is only the start was it November's the El November yeah yeah ages away UK one sooner get to the point where you feel like you're being used and abused as an industry like yeah all industry this is exactly what the politicians go through with all the different indust but personal cuz it's Bitcoin never been us really before and now it's us it's like oh but yeah I'm sure all the AI companies will be going through the same yeah it's a positive thing in some respects for the industry cuz it shows that they they realize that it's a a genuine topic that is going to get them votes so which means it's here to stay it'll get them votes but will they actually do anything with it or is it just oh God no they'll just carry on as normal I'm sure but Trump trump might Trump might he's he's extremist isn't he in some a lot of ways so he might go a bit crazy and you know he might start buying Bitcoin for the for the balance sheet the US the orange man the orange Queen because he is a wacky guy isn't he and he likes to try and follow through and do what he's he said doesn't he makes these crazy promises and tries to follow through so he might do something Mega U-turn though because didn't he wasn't he on Twitter a couple of years back going off going off about Bitcoin being he was bad being miraculous you know who else did that Michael sailor yeah in 2012 13 that's very true people can change but you just you learn don't you along the way it's what your getting if you've not gone and read and understood yourself you're just listening to what people around you are saying and feeding you and then you if you're get incorrect information you just that's all you know yeah 2019 mhm yeah I mean a lot can happen in 5 years I guess mhm that's very true that's very true so give everybody the benefit of the doubt so now is a good thing that all of a sudden it's changed and is now political agenda it's a positive thing for the industry I mean he was right about that Facebook's Libra did have little standing or dependability Facebook who that was never a good idea M no not the the first time the second time the third time third time yeah on the sixth time now cool well we see Biden's Administration getting involved now that'll be a interesting one so it seems to be ramping up obviously I'm sure it'll ramp up even more and they'll both sides Be pandering to bitcoiners I assume and Bitcoin just be lapping it up they need to like Biden though I just it's getting it's not nice no it's almost not nice to see like do you see the one with him with Obama Obama that just like what is going on I saw another one this morning where we just completely forgets what what he's saying and just just stand there it's really sad to see he's bad here and I can't believe they're letting him him through this at the minute they're putting him into the next election for another four years whatever it is of this this is crazy team it's not B charge is it it's no at what point can you try and prosecute someone I like in America they see people for everything abuse level can you can you prosecute the people around him for using him in this way at some point like is that a thing I don't know you you would have to prove it wouldn't you with plenty of content yeah but it is it's it's bad it's it's almost embarrassing like I don't understand how they don't see outside of their little bubble the rest of the world looking in and laughing at them like just keep saying you got to look at what he's done in the office not not his stage he's not he's not cured inflation like richy I think it yeah it's just a gender in it I think no one else stands a chance against Trump except Biden this late on if they put a brand new name in there they'd know they'd lose so it's like the the only chance they've got they bring Obama back they'd have a chance if he came back and did it and he's he's supporting Biden at the minute turn people still been theorizing that there still been he's already done two oh he done two already Yes I another them people have been saying the whole time that like it's still just the Obama Administration just with a new face it's all the same people in the background that were in the Obama administration because Biden was vice president at the time wasn't he under Obama well was that whole thing isn't it even though the president they don't actually have much power the team around them that kind of yeah but to figure ahead that and display that to the world I mean there going to other world leaders to have meetings and stuff like that and he doesn't even know where he is no it's crazy yeah poor guy to be honest poor yeah that sucks to see but he also shouldn't be running to be the most powerful man in the country if that's the case that's true don't if you know he is the as harsh as that is he doesn't really like it does look like that and they need I can't come on walk so bad just get some a stage it is so bad you just don't know what's like cuz he's doing the debate isn't he have you seen that he's doing the debate not they're refusing to have an audience they're refusing to do like they're muting the mics R thing that you put agenda it was bit all sorts of um rules around what it is now it's the first one done without an audience put any rules in he's not going to beat Trump in a debate well that's what they're muting Trump's mic while he's talking stuff so they're not letting him jump in think it matters right yeah he'll just shout over it yeah um wrong F i' like seeing that oh it's just a circus isn't it it's pretty mad yeah I'm muting podiums I can't understand what they're going to do with that in terms of like him talking and trying to debate Trump on things like it's is it live as well I don't know if it's live that's one of the things cuz I assume they're not going to do it live they'll do it live but not push it to the public live until if heavily add it when it goes out yeah would be delays yeah what a [ __ ] show just politics all around the world is a bit like it's all bit of a mess isn't it okay well on to on to related UK inflation is back to the 2% Target I think we covered that briefly before didn't we but that we did hit myself in the face with old Ry good old richy full credit to him not yeah we've touched on it really yeah who's buying flowers in the basket by the way is that part of the actual CPI I don't ships will come right down okay uh last point is uh lightning and vulnerability lnd D yes so there's a l& d doesn't have a link to this go on roast beef's Twitter you probably see it there's an L&D vulnerability disclosed last night this morning oh this is breaking news then yeah it was found last September in a couple of old versions be him intrig without the tea yeah um which is to do with the like the max length of a payload of an onion packet causing nodes to crash um but that's been disclosed now and so any anyone running older than .17 L&D should upgrade um so do that if you running that for non-is what is an onion packet oh it's just data being transferred so when you're receiving a transaction you receive it in this packet of data right so there's a bug in that that meant there wasn't kind of like a max length on that so you could make it really big so then my node would crash when I try and receive that data essentially um I'm off like this just to let everyone know and then just to discuss the kind of responsible disclosure system during with open source code because there's a few prominent people on Twitter kind of kicking off that it took so long to disclose it and that they knew about it they were going to disclose it or should they be exploiting the network like we saw with Barack about a year ago he he found a bug and kind of exploited the bug and it broke the whole network and then there was a panic hot fix it did on purpose though to force it didn't exactly so it was just discussions on like what is responsible disclosure and like do they disclose stuff fast enough obviously some people don't like the way it works some people do um I don't know what you think Danny but I I think it's what they did is find it I think it was September they found it fixed it they hid it in a commit for something else so they fixed it without on the slide yeah and then suppose just how many old nodes are running like .7 backwards yeah I don't and roast beef was like yeah we released 0.8 which came out a few weeks ago I think and then wait for that to be up see how many noes upgrade to that before disclosing it but it's not if it's like one where you can said like full control of a computer or you can steal the Bitcoin things like then that's more of like critical vulnerability yeah this is just a Dos I was going to say just the worst possible scenario is just your node crashes yeah yeah no right I suppose there's scenario where you could have a Channel with another node crash their node force close the channel to get all the funds yourself you'd have to try and then acting and sense there then you if you've got a wat tower on that then then you could do yeah exactly mations to it are I don't think anyone's exploiting it so yeah it's it's an extreme scenario trying to steal something but actually it's just a Dos attempt to crashing no B yeah definitely so it's not as it's still critical in the sense of like you know can go down and everything but um maybe not as bad as it could be well then yeah so this is obviously not the first time we've seen something like this um it seems to be happen seems to happen more on Lightning than Bitcoin Co which makes sense anyway cuz the lightning guys are iterating so fast and you know it is on The Cutting Edge it's still new it's still new so in comparison to bitcoin yeah bugs happen um yeah interesting I think they do a good job of fixing these and disclosing them uh but yeah I know there's people out there that are frustrated with the process but always be people unfortunately no what you'll never please everybody unfortun especially with it being open source software you've got so many people with so many different opinions haven't you mhm you do okay we'll make sure your not's updated then and you're all good cool do we have any coin cor news dear DAV de we have don't have any D Dave this no I just I'm just checking now but he said he'll hang on till next week okay he must have known Dave wasn't in yeah them them calculations scared Dave off um no quite a well I say quite a quiet we we're actually slammed aren't we this yesha um I was going to talk about my beef T skare that I bought I'm full I'm full Bitcoin if you really want to do they accept Bitcoin no working progress working on it but no the only reason I mention it is because if it wasn't for Bitcoin I wouldn't even know what be tler was like so what what go on what does it though well it's just it's just whipped up into a nice skincare product can not tell I'm glowing I thought like how do we PR down um but no I think it's it's uh I'm full Bitcoin Max you know it's just it is just be fat right T is just fat yeah used make candles out of it and [ __ ] yeah a lot of people cooking it so like beef T chips you see a lot in these days and things like that so it's becoming more of a popular cooking thing face yep respect and you're glown are are you PL your steak are they going start rubbing the fat in yeah cool cool that was it thanks thanks cheers guys peace [Music]